Monday, July 26, 2010
Hi batchmates again! i wonder if you all read the blog =)
today me and jiahui(wang) talked a lot about passion and band =p kind of motivated hehe..
I think that our batch does a very important role in making how the band is right now..
i think we should really buck up on our playings so that nycb wont die off, we really need to. That's the only way to make sure that nycb will go back to it's glorious days.
well, i know we are just sec2s, we can't do much, but look, if we don't do it, who will do it? we should really be more diciplin and scold the juniors more hehe.. jiayou all..
posted at,11:51 PM
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hello my dear batchmates.
I shall write what i think of our performance during SIBF. Somehow i think it's a must to rethink what we could have done better next time instead of avoiding the topic.
Basically we just rush through everything and it's kind of messy. I think we should really calm ourselves down before competition so that we will play like normal and follow ms chong. I must remind you that silver is still a silver, it's not a "near-gold-silver". we must work hard for gold and not blame it on the judges or that we screw up during performance.
I think the most important thing is to have confidence in ourselves and the whole band. Sad to say that since last year syf we get silver, our passion and confidence level have dropped a lot. We must really regain the confidence and passion. Encourage juniors, work harder ourselves, motivate each other, set goals. Lastly, find the passion for band.
NYCB is not a normal cca, it's not a normal band. It's a band full of passionate members, that's what that make nycb special.
posted at,5:44 PM
Saturday, July 3, 2010
hmm ok as you all know, SIBF is nearing :/
i shall repeat what rachel and mianjun said on tuesday, incase you all forgot alr (i hope not!) and haha this was on the batch group too (:
remember the five things:
1. singing (open your mouth, let the sound travel; be in tune!)
2. articulation (staccatos tongue and be clear!; slurs slur them)
3. intonation (listen out to each other, not only in your part, section, but the whole band)
4. expression (feel the music; follow the mood of the piece)
5. balance (melody come out more!; woodwinds 70% brasses 50% percs 30%)
okay i hope you all understand the above :)
anw, there's like
EIGHT (sadly!) more pracs and
TWENTY days left.
please jiayou okay? :D
this is our last band event with the sec4s and our first band competition in NYCB :/ we must not let the sec4s down and do our best! :D and, the last prac for sibf is the last prac for sec4s D; (19daysaway!) so yeah lets do our best! this is like 100times more scary than concert and as youve heard our recordings, our playing is
horrible. really very horrible. maybe its the effect of RP but i still think we have a lot of room to improve.
hmm this is just what i feel about our band standard dont be angry with me if you think otherwise :D thanks a lot BATCH12! i love you all <3 each and every single one of you (:
The passion lives on.
p.s. (this is not related to the above!) pleasepleaseplease update this blog :/ and batch group too! :D dont make it dead haha. er and yeah upload/post more photos! then we can change the blogskin, make it nicer :D yay
posted at,6:16 AM